FIRE BEHAVIOR Academic Essay

Information technology Academic Essay
September 19, 2020
Psychological Research
September 20, 2020

FIRE BEHAVIOR Academic Essay

Part of this unit concentrated on gaseous molecules, but stated that liquids and solids can also consist of molecules. Ethanol and aqueous film-forming foam are examples of liquid molecules. Discuss how the thickness (viscosity) of ethanol or aqueous film forming foams can be changed. Does the foam have a higher or lower molecular weight? Why, or why not?

Pressure is a measure of force expressed in force per unit of area. The basic SI unit of pressure is expressed in kilograms per square meter or Pascal. Explain how the pressure of compressed air in a SCBA storage cylinder is commonly monitored? Is there a difference between gauge pressure and absolute pressure? Why, or why not? What does it mean when the gauge on the SCBA is at 0?

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Posted on May 2, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions