Find a sample research paper, including a sample Works Cited page in Chapter 16 of The St. Martin’s Handbook on the topic of your choice

role ethics
March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020

Find a sample research paper, including a sample Works Cited page in Chapter 16 of The St. Martin’s Handbook on the topic of your choice

In determining the grade for the paper, I will consider form (mechanics, grammar), content, documentation, and process. Each will affect the final grade for the paper.

•Research papers will have a body of seven to ten (7-10) pages. The paper must also have title page, outline, and Works Cited pages. (These pages are NOT considered as part of the body page count.) You will find a sample research paper, including a sample Works Cited page in Chapter 16 of The St. Martin’s Handbook. Information about formal outlines is in Chapter 3. The order of pages in the paper is title page, outline, body of paper, works cited. These are all to be saved and sent to me as one document.
•The final Works Cited page will contain seven to eight (7-8) sources. The sources will be derived from appropriate books, periodicals, etc., to denote variety of sources used. Cliffs Notes, Masterplots, Monarch, Wikipedia are NOT appropriate sources. Each of the sources used in the Works Cited must be used at least once in the research paper.
•You are to follow MLA format and documentation as described in your handbook.
•Use direct quotations sparingly (no more than 25% of the paper).
•Be sure topic is sufficiently limited.
•All words should be spelled correctly and errors in sentence structure eliminated.
•The level of diction should be formal (no slang, contractions, jargon, or technical terms without definition).
•The paper should be well written and scholarly.
•All borrowed information must be noted whether quoted or not.
PLAGIARISM: Each student is responsible for constructing a research paper based on his/her own idea about a topic. Borrowed material must be scrupulously documented. Plagiarism is a serious offense and will result in an F in the course.

PENALTIES: Late paper penalties will be assessed. You are given the assignment at the beginning of the semester with a specific due date in order to have ample time to complete your paper