Financial Projections , Loan or Investment Proposal

Gangs in Adolscence
June 6, 2020
Commercialization of Organ Transplants
June 7, 2020

Financial Projections , Loan or Investment Proposal

Part 9. Financial Projections –
Accurate, correct format, consistent, realistic

Should be conservative but achievable; reasonable yet compelling

Sales forecast

Lists product(s)/service(s) to be sold

Price at which product(s)/service(s) will be sold

Number of units of each product/service that will be sold each month

Financial Statements (the first year)

Income Statement (Profit & Loss Statement)

Cash Flow Statement

Balance Sheet

Breakeven Analysis

Part 10. Loan or Investment Proposal                                            

Amount requested

Purpose and uses of funds

Repayment or cash out schedule (exit strategy)

Timetable for implementing plan and launching business