Financial Modeling and Information System 2014

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July 2, 2020
 Managing Resistance to Change (Introduction to Healthcare Administration)
July 2, 2020

Financial Modeling and Information System 2014

This assignment requires students to analyze a range of academic literature within a defined area of relevance to accounting, finance and information system and through this to develop and communicate their understanding of the practice and theory within the chosen topic area.

Students are to choose one of the following broad contemporary topic areas to focus their literature review:

a) Corporate Financial Reporting& Disclosures (e.g. Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability Reporting, Corporate Governance, Agency Problem & Costs, Fair Value Accounting, Creative Accounting & Fraudulent Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis).

b) Management Accounting (e.g. Beyond Budgeting, Divisional Performance Reporting, Balanced Scorecard, Activity Based Costing, Strategic Management Accounting, Business Planning).

c) Financial Decisions (e.g. Risk Management, Working Capital Management, Capital Investment Decisions, Capital Structure Decision)

d) Information Systems and Knowledge Management (e.g. KM Systems, Knowledge Sharing Practices, Cloud Computing, Accounting Information Syatem)

The review will require students to review literature on the chosen area and then carefully pick at least fifteen articles linked to the topic area chosen, sourced from (refereed / peer reviewed) latest journals preferably after 2009.

The report should be structured as follows:

1. Introduction – What the chosen topic is, its importance based on the literature you have reviewed, and the relevance of the articles used to the chosen topic area (around 500words). (10%)

2. Discussion and integration – What are the most important issues/results that have emerged from the literature review? In answering this section you should discuss critically the major themes identified and key findings (there is no word limit – however the report should not exceed 2,000 words).(35%)