Financial Challenges Academic Essay

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Financial Challenges Academic Essay

Health care entities constantly face financial challenges that influence the cost of delivering quality health care services. Some factors that have an impact on an organization’s ability to manage and sustain a viable organization include economical changes, the Affordable Care Act, government demands, an increase in bad debt, insurance restructuring, and meeting quality measures. Understanding how to address these elements is essential to the continued success of a health care entity.

Select a current issue in health care finance such as:

High deductible health plans
Insurance contracting
Accountable Care Organizations
Technological advances
Medicaid funding and reimbursement.
Explain the roles of the stakeholders affected by the financial issue.
Explain the factors contributing to rising health care costs related to the financial issue.
Identify legislation that affects the financial issue.

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Posted on May 26, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions