Since the Financial Crisis began in 2008, large banks have been heavily criticized by regulators and the news media for excessive risk taking that led to the near collapse of the global financial system. Some of the largest global banks have maintained that they are too big to be allowed to fail. Many bank regulators and government policymakers have demanded that these large banks be broken-up (reduced in size), to reduce the threat of another near systemic collapse.Assessment Essay 2 AssignmentPrepare a written response to the following two questions:
Should any global bank (headquartered in the U.S. or outside of the U.S.) ever be considered byregulators and government policymakers as being Too Big To Fail? Why or why not?Assignment Requirements Essay response to be typed, doubled spaced, using font size 12 Submit in hardcopy Length for this essay is one 8 1/2 x 11 page (no longer or shorter) Include your name (and any nickname), date and FE 442 at top of page Support your position with specific citations to at least two business news sources, suchas The Wall Street Journal, CNBC or Bloomberg, and be sure to list such cited sources ona separate page attached to your one-page essay Submit at the beginning of our FE 442 class session on Monday, November 23 Maximum score for this assignment is 10 points The score for this assignment will be weighted at 10 percent in calculating your overallscore for the course