Project description
• Formulate your fund objective.
• Submit a 1 – 11/2-page written statement of your portfolio goal and strategy for achieving
that goal. (1 per person – make sure your name is on it.) The student’s last name must be
in the filename – e.g.”smith – portfolio objective.docx”
• Submit the assignment electronically using the link on blackboard.
The format of the report is up to you. Try to make the presentation of the material as clear as possible, so that it would be clear to a client.
I don’t have any specific stock/bond ratios in mind (the asset allocation), but your actual StockTrak portfolio does NOT need to match this policy statement. This statement is more of an exercise in thinking about how you would approach this ‘contract’ with a client. Normally you should have some bonds, just for diversification. On the other hand, you would probably not have futures and might not have options in the policy, but I want you to have some in StockTrak.
You should put specific limits on how much stock, bonds, options, etc. you will hold (e.g. 60- 90% stocks, options only for protective puts and covered calls, with covered calls limited to 50% of a given position.
Finish the statement by stating your fees – usually a % of assets. Look up some management fees for mutual funds online to get an idea how much.