Reservoir engineering course.
September 18, 2020
Topic: Week 4 Personal Development Plan
September 18, 2020

Final Exam Academic Essay

19.-22. Short Answers. Explain in short sentences to answer the question underneath the question. Please write a paragraph on your choices. Pick four questions and answer them. There are 1 point each. (4 Points)
• What is the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and why is it important for human resource management in the hiring process and in random drug testing during employment?
• Explain one of the major functions of Human Resource Management and how does it relate to the job description?
• What is an Employment-at-Will contract and list and explain one way it can be broken?
• What is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?
• List an intrinsic and extrinsic reward and explain how it is helpful in the workplace to increase validity?
• What is Succession Planning?
• What is the change process, metaphors, and change agent?
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Posted on May 4, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions