Film Commentary about Lotte Reiniger’s Adventures of Prince Achmed

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September 28, 2020
Topic: Case Study Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Health Care Professional
September 28, 2020

Film Commentary about Lotte Reiniger’s Adventures of Prince Achmed

Film Commentary about Lotte Reiniger’s Adventures of Prince Achmed

Project description
Write a commentary about Lotte Reiniger’s film Adventures of Prince Achmed. Please refer to the film, and at least three readings from the list

Please write in your own words, and do not copy from the internet!
*Adventures of Prince Achmed (dir. Lotte Reiniger, 1928, 60)
Required text(s):
Zipes, Jack. 2011. The Enchanted Screen: The Unknown History of Fairy-Tale Films. New York and London: Routledge, 82-86.
Zipes, Jack. 1979. The Revolutionary Rise of the Romantic Tale in Germany, in Breaking the Magic Spell: Radical Theories of Fold and Fairy Tales.

Jack Zipes, ed. London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 41-92, 187-190 (endnotes).

Additional Reading:
Warner, Marina. 2011. Stranger Magic: Charmed States and the Arabian Nights. London: Chatto and Windus, 390-402.

Filmographic References and Short Reviews:
Moritz, William. 1996. Some Critical Perspectives on Lotte Reiniger. Animation Journal 5, no. 1 (Fall): 40-51.