ll of the following are false:
- In Fight Club, the narrator is the author and the story is a memoir on his earlier life.
2. The character Pecola in The Bluest Eye is the author and the story is a true story on her early life in Ohio.
3. Susan Glaspell, the author of Trifles, based her story on a friend of her mother, who was tried and convicted for the murder of her husband after he abused her and killed her cat.
(Points : 1): False
Question 2.2. Based on the Roberts text all of the following are true:
- Scholars can present an argument that Pecola’s blue eyes are and Tyler Durden’s soap are important contextual symbols in their respective stories. They can also argue that as symbols the blue eyes and soap enhance a particular theme.
- A contextual symbol is given meaning by its presentation, treatment, or position in a particular story. It is also know as a private symbol.
- A symbol can be an action, object, person, or place. A scholar can argue that Big Bob in Fight Clubis a symbol.
(Points : 1): True
Question 3.3. All of the following are true on the lenses (critical approaches):
- We can apply the Psychoanalytical lens to the novel Fight Clubby exploring the narrator’s relationship to his parents.
We can begin a Deconstructionst reading of Fight Club starting with the premise that all interpretation is misinterpretation.
3. We can apply the Moral/Intellectual lens to The Bluest Eye in several ways, including by exploring the ideas and values suggesting a moral or lesson in the work.
4. Under the Psychoanalytic lens, critics can treat Marla or Raymond Hessel similarly to how a therapist treats patients.
5. A good question to ask when using the Psychoanalytic lens might be What life experiences explain characteristic preoccupations?
6. We can use the Structuralist lens to explore the success or failure of any tests a character undergoes in The Bear or Trifles. (Points : 1): True
Question 4.4. All of the following are true:
- Neither Fight Clubnor The Bluest Eye have a resolution of plot because the main characters do not resolve their problems by the end of the stories.
The seasons of winter in Trifles and in The Blues Eye cannot be thought of as a symbols or metaphors.
3. In the poem “We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks, the setting takes place in Harlem.
4. In the poem, “My Papa’s Waltz,” we can argue that the waltz in the title of the poem refers to the father and son’s relationship and how the father dominates the steps.
(Point: 1): False
Question 5.5. All of the following are true about MLA formatting:
- When presenting your essay on Fight Club, you should underline your title for emphasis.
- When presenting the body of your essay, you can either indent the first line of each paragraph 5 spaces or begin each paragraph at the left margin as long as you skip a line between paragraphs.
- If we are writing an essay on The Bluest Eyeand it is the only book we are using, we must mention the title or author each time we quote from the book.
- We use the past tense when writing about events that take place before the ending in the novel Fight Club.
(Point: 1): False