The Devils Highway
May 30, 2020
Immigration and American Society
June 1, 2020

Field Trip

Field Trip

For this essay watch the following you tube video

2. Purpose
This film is about the research done to understand the Nazca culture, from their origin to the end. ?It focus on ?the meaning and building over centuries of the giant Nazcan lines, man made in the dessert of Peru.
The film presents high end ?methodology and ?the team(s) of scientist involved in the research as well as the later results. There is also an important religious explanation about the Nazca lines. The project also addresses the migration of tribes from Siberia to America. ??

Read the email and answer these questions:
1.) Where you went and when.
2.) What you did there and what you got/learned from the experience.
3.) Your recommendation for future trips by other students in this class or future ones.