May 8, 2020
Semiotic interpretation of an image
May 8, 2020

Fed policymaking

Topic: From the periods 2008-2010 analyze Fed policymaking through key macroeconomic indicators of the business cycle.

Order Description

For your time period, use actual data and write at least one paragraph on each of the following indicators:

�economic growth as measured by real GDP
�the price level, i.e., if inflation was problematic

�interest rates and how they were influenced by the Fed

�the targets and goals of monetary policy and the Fed Chairman�s leadership in attaining them


Your paper consists of the items below which should be in the following order:

1)Cover sheet (title page) containing the following: assigned topic, your name, course name, date
2)Introductory paragraph states the topic and the thesis, i.e., the general conclusion that is supported by the body of the paper.
3)Second paragraph is a general description of data presented in tables or graphs. Tables/graphs should be labeled, the data source must be identified, and they should be on a separate page or pages as an attachment between the

body of the paper and the Works Cited page. Data may be found in Federal Reserve Bulletin and other sources (see below).
4)Remaining paragraphs address the four indicators listed above, including more detailed analysis of data.
5)The conclusion summarizes and restates the thesis.
6)Tables/graphs are included as attachments.
7)Works Cited page containing your research sources is the final page.
For your time period, use actual data and write at least one paragraph on each of the following indicators:

�economic growth as measured by real GDP

�the price level, i.e., if inflation was problematic

�interest rates and how they were influenced by the Fed

�the targets and goals of monetary policy and the Fed Chairman�s leadership in attaining them


Your paper consists of the items below which should be in the following order:

1)Cover sheet (title page) containing the following: assigned topic, your name, course name, date
2)Introductory paragraph states the topic and the thesis, i.e., the general conclusion that is supported by the body of the paper.
3)Second paragraph is a general description of data presented in tables or graphs. Tables/graphs should be labeled, the data source must be identified, and they should be on a separate page or pages as an attachment between the

body of the paper and the Works Cited page. Data may be found in Federal Reserve Bulletin and other sources (see below).
4)Remaining paragraphs address the four indicators listed above, including more detailed analysis of data.
5)The conclusion summarizes and restates the thesis.
6)Tables/graphs are included as attachments.
7)Works Cited page containing your research sources is the final page.