Feature film “Nuts” (1987)

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Feature film “Nuts” (1987)

View the feature film “Nuts” (1987) Available on:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_krCTNhPTU (if movie is not watchable or playable, please let me know so I could arrange an online rental of it)

Compare the legal definitions, legal standards, states of mind and time frames at issue in court proceedings involving competence to stand trial, insanity, incapacity and civil commitment.

In “Nuts,” do you think the Barbra Streisand’s character was incompetent? Why or why not? Was it in her best interests to maintain that she was competent? Why or why not?

At one point, the prosecutor asked the psychiatrist, “Is she dangerous?” Is this relevant to a hearing on competence? Why or why not? The film and the ultimate decision appeared to hinge upon her testimony concerning her abuse as a child. Was this relevant in a hearing on competence? Why or why not?

All information should be documented in MLA format.

Use only U.S sources available from the college online library: http://www.esc.edu/library/