the national e-health recored
August 30, 2020
Theory and Practice integration essay
August 30, 2020

Feasability Report

Feasability Report

Order Description
Feasibility Report

Feasibility reports are a yardstick to measure solutions which lead to a recommended course of action. These thorough investigations, to determine the viability and practicality of the proposal, are necessary to minimize organizational risk and minimize risks. When proposing a product, service, strategy, initiative, program, process, or change. Feasibility reports are critical to identify roadblocks to implementation and to maximize the changes for success. All business professionals must understand how to use thorough research to make decisions and communicate findings.
Your Task

You will explore the feasibility of a product, service, strategy, initiative, policy, program, process, or change. An individual may explore an aspect of the persuasive multimedia presentation topic if desired. A senior management or board of directors will be the recipient of the feasibility report. You will present this information as an analytic report.

The reports should adhere to this organization:
1.Cover page (see example Pearson Business Reference and Writer’s Handbook p. 310)
2.Table of Contents (see example Pearson Business Reference and Writer’s Handbook p. 313)
3.Introduction (approx. 1-1.5 pages)
•Purpose and overview of report organization
•Problem/Need – background of problem/need, and why

Body (approx. 3 pages)

•Solutions and Alternatives – explain the solutions/alternatives you have selected (must have at least 3).
•Establishing Criteria -establish at least 3 criteria selected for making comparisons. Tell how and why you selected criteria to use as yardstick in evaluating alternatives.
•Discussion/Evaluation – thoroughly discuss and evaluate the alternatives based on the criteria. Be sure to offer advantages and disadvantages of each. Refer to the graphic in the Appendices.

Recommendations – clearly and concisely indicate which specific product(s) or service(s) you recommend for your organization and why. (approx. 1-2 pages)

•Advantages/Disadvantages – offer the advantages and disadvantages of your recommendation.
•Offer Plan for Implementation – How will your organization purchase product(s) or service(s)? When? Where? Who will be responsible for making purchase?
•Summary or Conclusion – end your memo or report with an appropriate and professional closing statement or paragraph.
Appendix (graphic, table, chart or matrix ) (approx. 1 page)


The feasibility report should adhere to the following format:
Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman
1.5 spacing (see Pearson Business Reference and Writer’s Handbook p. 318)
1 inch
Seven, different, sources obtained from the Walsh library databases. Websites can be used, but do not count toward the seven sources. All seven sources must be cited within the text of the formal report in addition to the reference page. Students will submit this assignment through (via Moodle.) This technology is designed to check for plagiarism as it searches for word matches and similarity in the web, or in previously submitted student papers. Turnitin will recognize a match to secondary sources in your papers, and your instructor will recognize and verify the match as properly cited.

See the page breakdown above
Pearson Business Reference and Writer’s Handbook pp. 308-324

Headings listed above (subheadings if necessary) should be used; a table, chart or other graphic element to compare alternatives should be contained in the Appendices.

Students will read and use the following chapters in the BCom text (in addition to those previously covered):

Ch. 11 – Organizing and Preparing Reports and Proposals
Criteria for Evaluation
Assignments will be assessed with the Written Deliverables rubric with attention to these areas:

Responsive to the audience’s subject knowledge, attitudes, interests, and values as well as the purpose and occasion.

Employs format specifications detailed in the “Your Task” section of this assignment description.

Incorporates effective language for the audience, purpose, and situation.

Utilizes the appropriate organizational pattern for the message’s purpose.

Utilizes formal research report form that is professional, attractive (including graphic highlighting where appropriate), efficient, and clearly expresses the information.

Reflects professional communication standards including tone, research, APA documentation in-text and in a reference page, grammar, and overall writing standards.