“Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser

Information Technology
October 7, 2020
argument about TV and children.
October 7, 2020

“Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser

Its from the book: “Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser
Paper details:
1) First part of the assignment is “SUMMARY SECTION DRAFT” where you gonna write summery of the book “FAST FOOD NATION” by ERIC SCHLOSSER. Write atleast 400-500 words.
it should fit in one and half page only.
2) Second part is “POSITION SECTION DRAFT” This section will explore your own position on the arguments that the author presents in your book. Write atleast 400-500
words. it should fit in one and half page only.
3) Third part is “EVALUATION DRAFT ASSIGNMENT” This is the section of your book where you will evaluate what you thought about the author’s work.
It can fit in the rest 2 pages. please follow the instructions from the uploaded files for each section which also has some questions inside of the file to download.
Please you dont need to leave space for name, class, date or anything on the header of page or anywhere else because i dont need that in this paper.