Major Assignment – Team Assessment (groups of 2 or 3) – 45%
This is your Major Assignment for the semester you will need to drawn on much of your learning throughout the semester in order to complete it successfully.
You are required to evaluate a range of fashion retailers and their current ranges.
You will need to choose 3 MENSWEAR or CHILDRENSWEAR fashion retailers.
The retailers selected need to represent the UPPER, MID and LOWER LEVEL in the market (ie 1 retailer from each level in the market).
Once you have chosen your 3 retailers you will CHOOSE 1 PRODUCT CATEGORY (eg: knitwear) from within their range and perform an in depth analysis (the chosen category must be common across all 3 retailers).
Retailer Analysis
For each retailer you will need to provide:
Background – a brief background to the company, brand and positioning (eg: who they are? what categories of product they range? how many stores? Level in the market?)
Consumer – a brief description of their target market/s?
Perceptual Map
Draw a perceptual/positioning map indicating the positioning of each retailer in the market.
Identify their major competitors and include them on the map.
Range Composition Pyramid
Advise the total number of styles within your chosen category for each retailer.
Apply their range to the Range Composition pyramid. What proportion (%) of their range represents each level of the Range Composition pyramid? How would their pyramid look? What does their pyramid tell you about their business model?
(provide a relevant visual diagram for each retailer)
How do the pyramids for each retailer/brand compare? Any surprises?
Range Analysis
By retailer for each style chosen provide – a visual image photo or drawing, a brief description of the garment, retail price, fibre content, number of colour options, country of origin. Identify what are the fad, fashion, core styles.
(TIP: a table per retailer would be a good way to present all the specific range information)
Care and Fibre Content Labelling Evaluation
Review the labeling in each garment.
Is the care labeling standard across the range or are their a number of variations? If there are various labels, why is this so? If not should there be and what should they include?
Provide an example of the fibre and care labeling from each retailer.
Are they adequately providing what should and should not be done with the garments?
Are the care instructions relevant for the fabric and fibre/s? What label variations do they provide? Why is this so?
Is the information provided adequate from a legal perspective?
Is the information provided adequate from a consumer perspective?
Are there any recommendations for improvement that you could make?
(NB: Don’t forget to include images)
Quality Evaluation
Evaluate the quality standards of the range. (fabric, fibre content, linings/trims, CMT, stitching) Is the quality consistent across styles? Is the level of quality a fit with the brand and product price?
Can you identify any quality issues? If so what are they? (provide visual references as evidence to support your discussion)
Are the quality issues commercially acceptable?
Quality Comparison
Is the quality of each retailer better or worse than you expected? How? Why?
Does the quality reflect their positioning in the market?
How does the quality compare between your chosen 3 retailers?
Report Format (report must be bound)
Title Page
Table of Contents
Perceptual Map (including all 3 retailers)
Retailer A Analysis
Retailer B Analysis
Retailer C Analysis
Quality Comparison
Reference List
Appendices (as required)
(NB: don’t forget to include your Names and Student Numbers on the Title page)
It is expected that you will utilise a range of resources in order to complete this exercise. Your research may include but is not restricted to – academic texts, journal and news articles, store observation, interviews and online research. (NB: YOUR COMMENTS NEED TO BE JUSTIFIED WITH RESEARCH AND REFERENCED ACCORDINGLY)
Acknowledgment of your of your research references must be cited within the report and listed in your Reference List using the Harvard Referencing System. Plagiarism is taken seriously and you may be penalised for not referencing correctly.
DUE DATES: (Week 11) Soft Copy only via Safe Assign
NB: Pairs to be finalised by week 4 (lecturer to be advised). If you have not done so you will be allocated a partner.
Product category to be finalised by week 6 (needs lecturer approval).
Quality of Discussion and Analysis
/ 25
Quality of Visuals, Diagrams, Tables, Appendices
/ 6
Conclusion /2
Depth and Quality of Research / 10
Note: Penalties and Deductions for all assessments (excluding special consideration)
Late submissions will incur a late penalty of 5% per calendar day.
No assessments are accepted after 14 calendar days of the due date.
To be eligible to pass this subject, all forms of assessment must be completed.
Marks will be deducted within a report for the following:
Grammar – where poor grammar or spelling errors are made.
Referencing – Harvard format must be followed. If incorrect or no referencing used for research plagiarism action may be taken.
Presentation & Layout – Poor layout, unprofessional format that doesn’t follow the brief or excessive variance in word limit
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Posted on May 27, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions