Family Traditions and the Generation Divide

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Family Traditions and the Generation Divide

Family Traditions and the Generation Divide

Project description

In this assignment, you will interview an older relative or friend.
Identify a family member or friend who is willing to participate in this project. The person should be significantly older than you, and preferably of a different generation. Discussing the following topic to talk about with your informant:
1. Food traditions and experiences: e.g., the foods, meals, and treats your informant ate as a child; how their family used special foods for celebrations and holidays; who was and wasn’t involved with preparing the food.
Write a paper of five pages that includes the components below. Your paper should use APA format, including a cover sheet, page numbers, double-spaced, and free of spelling and grammar errors.
Begin with a cover page in APA format.
In the first paragraph, introduce your informant and the topic of your interview. Describe who your informant is, what relationship you have with them, and a brief summary of what’s important to know about them. Assume your reader has no idea who your informant is, and consider yourself to be writing for a formal audience.
For example, starting with I interviewed Grampa who I love is inappropriate, but My informant was my grandfather, Ronaldo Gomez, age 76, who served in the US Army for 28 years in Kansas, Korea, and California is fine.
In the second paragraph, describe the circumstances of your interview(s). Mention the setting, mode of communication (phone, face to face, etc.), date, time, approximate duration of interview, how and when you took notes, and anything else you think is relevant.
For the third paragraph, describe what you learned. As explained above, this body of your paper must be organized in a meaningful way, not simply a recapitulation of the interview. Do not list the exact questions you asked your informant; instead, incorporate your informant’s responses into your paper. That’s because you’re writing a paper, not just an interview transcript. Here are two illustrative examples:
€¢ Poorly written: I asked him what kinds of toys he played with when he was a kid. He responded by saying that he mostly played outside with balls and bikes, but sometimes played with his five sisters and their dolls.
€¢ Strongly written: When Steve was a child, he mostly played outside with traditional masculine toys like balls and bats. But he also played sometimes with his five sisters and their dolls.
In the fourth paragraph, name the five (or more) techniques for oral history interviewing you applied during this project, and explain how you applied each one.
In the fifth and last paragraph, describe how your interview felt different (or didn’t feel different) from a normal conversation. Finally, discuss what, if anything, you would do differently if you were starting this project from the beginning.