Family Traditions and Cultural Legacies Academic Essay

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Family Traditions and Cultural Legacies Academic Essay

1000 word claim of value argumentive essay regarding the following – How do family traditions and cultural legacies contribute to and/or inhibit an individual’s self-identity? Beyond its literal meaning, what are the broader implication of the cliche “keeping the family name alive”? Or has this cliche outlived its validity? A number of readings in this chapter address an aspect of family tradition/cultural heritage and individual identity and fulfillment-for example Alice Walkers “Everday Use” page 379, Adrienne Richs “Delta on page 406, and Robin D. G. Kelleys “The People In Me” page 418. Drawing on readings and your own experience and observations, write a claim of value argument about an aspect of family heritage and individual identity. All those stories are in the book Reading and Writing Argument, 6th edition, Pearson.

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Posted on May 31, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions