The House on Mango Street
May 26, 2020
Functional Areas Categories of strength
May 26, 2020

Failure Mode Avoidance

Failure Mode Avoidance

For this assignment the student is required to research into a particular area relating to the subject of durability and reliability. This can be any appropriate area relating to the subject (some areas are highlighted below but this is not an exhaustive list) and should be in the form of a literature review and critical evaluation. The aim should be to give a review of the subject in terms of theories, techniques and case studies where possible. The application of the subject is to the student e.g. automotive, agricultural, rail, manufacturing etc. The student should focus on one particular area to give the required depth of review rather than giving an overall view of the subject.
€¢ Failure Mode Avoidance €“ how to design and avoid failure
€¢ title: (( Failure Mode Avoidance €“ how to design and avoid failure))
€¢ The word limit for this essay is 3,000 words.
€¢ This coursework needs to be submitted in the form of a technical report through Turnitin
€¢ Reference required with Harvard style.
€¢ The submission deadline for this piece of coursework is 7 to 10 days