ULMS Dissertation Supervision 2015/16 ? General Guide
? Points for Chapter2 (Literature Review) ? discussed at the 1st face-to-face meeting
? About 5000 -6000 words in Chapter 2
? Review 50 to 60 journal articles closely related to your topic (Library Electronic Journals, www.sciencedirect.com, Google Scholar etc. sources can be used). Get papers that cover early (before 1980s), recent (1980 to 2000), current (2001-2016) periods.
? Establish THEMES
? Group articles by themes
? In reviewing individual articles consider: research question, Data and method(s) of analysis, findings, Critical aspect from yourself ? for a critical literature review requirements
? Include a review of individual/group of closely related articles
? Keep looking for a few REPRESENTATIVE articles from which you can adopt the methods and replicate using your own data
? Warning: beware of plagiarism
? You can email me the draft Literature Review chapter for comments on 03.7.2016. Aim to finish the draft chapter before 03.7.2016. This chapter remains a draft till submission.
? Points for Chapter3 (Data and Methodology) ? discussed at the 2nd face-to-face meeting
? Data
o Describe data source, period and why chosen this period if it is not the whole period, frequency (monthly/daily/yearly etc.), sample choice, etc.
? Research Design
o Research questions
o Hypotheses
? Methodology
o Quantitative
o Make use of REPRESENTATIVE papers identified while conducting Literature Review
o Present the structure of the model(s) with full detail
o Identify software or program to use (Eviews, etc.)
o Word limit ? not specified
o Aim to send me the draft Data and Methodology chapter by email on or before 14.7.2016
o 2nd face-to-face meeting to review progress and plan ahead 15.7.2016
? Chapter 4: Draft Findings and Description of results ? discussed at the 3rd meeting via Skype
a. Draft chapter sent to me by email on or before 05.8.2016
b. In this chapter candidates conduct analysis using data and methodology as well as research design presented in chapter three, clearly describe the findings supported by visual aids such as tables of evidences, graphs, etc.
c. Skype call 06.8.2016. Add kenbata.bangassato the list of your contacts. I will also send comments by email to all students. If you do not wish to use skype call as way of communication or if there appear to be technical difficulty to use Skype, written comments via email will replace the meeting via skype call.
? Chapter 5:discussion of findings, Chapter 6: Conclusion, limitations, and recommendations;
a. The findings presented in chapter4 will be discussed in this chapter in relation to the findings reviewed using previous academic literature, as presented in Chapter2. Full synthesis of the findings and the level of understanding academic literature in your topical area is further displayed in this chapter.
b. Chapter 6 is also written up and becomes part of the draft submission
c. Chapter1: Introduction is also written up and becomes part of the draft submission
d. Draft Ch5, Ch6, Ch1 will be sent to me by email on or before 15.8.2016
? After including an abstract, table of contents, list of tables and figures, etc. you will send me the Draft Dissertation after an independent editorial service that checks and suggest recommendations to you on: use of academic English language, structure and presentation of your work, etc. You will email me the Draft Dissertation on or before 25th of August 2015.