factors influencing menu planning and menu product development

eCommerce and mCommerce
May 15, 2020
Ethics case
May 16, 2020

factors influencing menu planning and menu product development

factors influencing menu planning and menu product development processes

Task A: Produce a Research Report describing the factors influencing menu planning and menu product development processes
Carry out an individual research into the factors that affect menu planning and menu product development. Using your research, produce a written report of your findings which should include:
a) A discussion of the principles of recipe development (ref. 1.1)
b) An assessment of the factors that influence menu planning decisions (ref.1.2)
c) A discussion of the factors that influence service methods (ref. 1.3)
d) A discussion of the stages of the planning of menu product development (ref. 2.1)
e) An evaluation of the influences on the development process (ref. 2.2)
Task B: Produce a Research Report presenting your findings and recommendations related to a food service environment and develop a new food service concept
Carry out an individual research in order to apply the design principles within a service environment and make recommendations for a new food service concept.
Using your research, produce a written report of your findings which should include:
a) A justification of the design of a menu taking into account the recipe development (ref 3.1).
b) A justification of the development of the food service environment to support the menu, recipe and service style (ref. 3.2).
Task C Produce a Research Report presenting your findings related to a new food service concept
a) Create and assess a new food concept including justification of your choice, customer requirements research and recommendations to launch the new concept (ref 4.1, 4.2, 4.3).

Task D Self-evaluation.
a) Write a review of your own performance with suggestions for improvements regarding the creation and assessment of a new food concept (ref. 4.4)
Task A- general Information from hospitality industry

For Task B-You need to find an example of a food outlet (i.e. restaurants, fast food outlets, coffee shops),and to be written only for it and then discuss the issues in respect to the products they offer, types of customer, prices, décor, service style, environment, background music, colourings, staff uniforms, the overall themes of the establishment
Task C follow the instructions below
4.1 research customer requirements for a new food concept
These are the points you need to expand on€¦.
Need to talk about market research (qual & quan, & their types)
Customer needs, wants & demands
Value for money
Maintain the trend of the society
Unique Selling Proposition (USP) in the competitive marketplace
4.2 justify choice of new food concept

The concept of Food Square is an useful way to evaluate the menu’- introduce or reduce the menu-list. The Food Square also guides us the way forward€¦€¦€¦..
Menu balance is a crucial part of new food concept’
4.3 justify recommendations on launch/implementation of new food concept
SWOT Analysis needed

Define SWOT Analysis
Its benefit
Take an example of a food-outlet and discuss SWOT Analysis
Consumer expectations,Religious/ Culture,Ethnic and social influences,Trends and fashion,Theme restaurants
Task D- follow the instructions below
4.4 review own performance in relation to developing and implementing new food concept, suggesting improvements
Need to expand on the following points:

Business Strategy- you need strategy for long-term survival for the business
you need to do budgeting for smooth going of the business
You need to do forecasting to be ahead of the game
You do need to keep measuring the performance of the establishment for long term sustainability