Extra Credit Assignment Ch 3 New Senses and Quantum Biology

Business Management
July 27, 2020
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July 27, 2020

Extra Credit Assignment Ch 3 New Senses and Quantum Biology

Please view the attached video entitled, How Quantum Biology Might Explain Lifes Biggest Questions
. LinkKeeping in mind processes like photosynthesis, Quantum Mechanics which gave us Math rules and ideas, Quantum Tunneling (object being able to permeate through solid wall), wave-particle duality (light and sound), and nanotechnology, answer the following questions:1 How do you think our future will be considering new senses and quantum biology?2 What do you think we will have in the future i.e. sensory substitution, sensory addition considering what quantum biology and all it can provide?3 Do you think new technology, new physics (pulsar), new communication systems, and humanity will be able to get together and create something out of this world?To get the entire 5 points awarded you need to cite as least two sources with your paper i.e. one book, one video, etc.Make sure to type each question and your response to the question so I can know which question you are responding to.