Explore two major theories as it relates to learning in adulthood: andragogy and self directed learning.

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August 9, 2020

Explore two major theories as it relates to learning in adulthood: andragogy and self directed learning.

Order Description1. Based on the assigned readings, coupled with your own experiences and observations, how does andragogy differ from pedagogy? Use a Venn Diagram to illustrate your response.2. Based on the Andragogy in Practice Inventory (API) by Holton and Bates (2008), describe the connection between the andragogy principles and the learning process design elements.3. Explain your understanding of the goals of self-directed learning.4. How does the context of the learning situation affect the learners autonomy?In all your weekly responses, we expect that you will draw from the literature you are reading in the class and to make reference to connections you see in terms of application in real world adult education settings.
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