Required to produce a final paper which will explore how health care facilities are complying with a specific law, regulation, or court decision. You may relate your final paper to your working/professional experiences. For instance, a student may create a final paper that explores compliance of a newly adopted health care law, administrative ruling or interpretation, i.e. Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010; Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) requirements, New York State Health Care Reform Act, Restrictions on Consecutive Hours of Work for Nurses Law, Office-Based Surgery Accreditation, etc. Students may not use the recently adopted NYS Family Health Care Decisions Act, or HIPAA regulations. The paper must be typed and double-spaced with a 1/2 inch margin around each page; Students may not use a font larger than 12 points; No late papers are accepted without prior approval. You must use the APA format method of citing only. You must cite throughout your paper. Your paper at a minimum must be at least six pages