exploration of marketing strategies Academic Essay

Biol-113 Midterm-1 (2015 Fall)1 Academic Essay
August 17, 2020
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August 17, 2020

exploration of marketing strategies Academic Essay

An exploration of marketing strategies of customer loyalty in China’s online retailing industry, with particular reference to Amazon.

The outline should have 1) Introduction 2 )Literature Review 3) Aims and Objectives 4) Methodology 5) Data collection and analysis 6 )Research Limitations 7) refference.
You are required to choose a research topic for purposes of analysis. Write a research proposal suitable for a dissertation which will:
• explain the rationale for the research (i.e. why it is worth doing);
• state the aims and objectives of the research;
• provide examples of relevant theories and concepts you intend to include in the literature review;
• explain the methodology you intend to use in your research;
• explain the specific research techniques which you intend to use (e.g. questionnaire, interviews, case study etc.). Give your reasons why you think that the chosen technique(s) is (are) appropriate for this project;
• discuss what data will be collected (e.g. consider whether data is primary or secondary; qualitative or quantitative etc.);
• explain how the data will be interpreted;
• discuss whether the findings will have validity, reliability and generalisability
• discuss any potential difficulties which might arise in relation to this research and explain how you might deal with these difficulties.

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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions