Explaining three views/points you agree or disagree with the author and why you agree or disagree.

Determine the pros and cons of unionization at your hospital, taking into account the above considerations.
July 23, 2020
Summarize the benefits of cohesive groups.
July 24, 2020

Explaining three views/points you agree or disagree with the author and why you agree or disagree.

The assignment is to read the course textbook: CHINA ROAD: A Journey into the Future of a Rising Power, Rob Gilford, Random House, 2007, and write a book report (5 pages, double-spaced). The report should include:* Your overall reflection on the book* Explaining three views/points you agree or disagree with the author and why you agree or disagree* Three things in the book that your feel helpful for your trip preparation and how they are helpful