Explain why pateints with impaired renal function

Explain why pateints with impaired renal function

1. Explain why pateints with impaired renal function might beanemic.
2. A student argues that stimulation of both theparasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems will increasestroke volume. Explain this stiuation.
3. You are sleeping peacefully when the telephone suddenlybegins ringing. You literally jump up from the bed and race to thephone. Explain how the baroreceptor reflex responds to regulateyour blood pressure in this situattion.
4. A banker from chicago had a complete physical exam upon hisreturn from a year’s stay in the Swiss Alps. His erythrocyte countis higher than normal. Explain this increase in erythocytes. Willhis erthrocyte count remain at this higher level? why or whynot?

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