Explain why medicine is important to human kind.

Explain why medicine is important to human kind.

Do a little web surfing on your own and discover some specific uses of plants.  Look for two plants used as medicines, foods, building materials, artistic uses, etc.  Be creative, but ready to justify why this is important to human kind.  Once you’ve decided on two plants, look for at least 3 websites related to your “use” of plants.  Write a paper comparing and contrasting these two plants.  For research help, consult the syllabus.  Read over the websites, and write a 300-500 word essay comparing and contrasting your two plants.  Note Wikipedia and .com sites are NOT acceptable sources, look for .edu or .gov sites. Use the library link, One Source for help in your research.

Ice Cream Systems
March 13, 2020
Is There Suffielent Selentlfie
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