Explain the true-justified-belief theory of knowledge. Then make up your own Gettier case and explain why it is counter-example to the analysis

Government Regulations and Public Health Paper
September 29, 2020
September 29, 2020

Explain the true-justified-belief theory of knowledge. Then make up your own Gettier case and explain why it is counter-example to the analysis

Explain the true-justified-belief theory of knowledge. Then make up your own Gettier case and explain why it is counter-example to the analysis

First paper topic

Please answer the following question in a 2 page paper (with standard font and margins, double spaced). Two notes: (a) lay things out as clearly as possible and (b)

please do not include biographical or historical information and don’t begin your paper with ‘Since the dawn of time…’

Explain the true-justified-belief theory of knowledge we discussed in class (i.e. explain whether the conditions are each necessary, sufficient, sufficient taken

together). Then make up your own Gettier case and explain why it is counter-example to the analysis (i.e. explain if it attacks the sufficiency of the conditions,

their necessity…)

College-level sentence structure and grammar.
Clarity, simplicity, and ground covered
Effective argumentation and critical analysis skills
Demonstrate understanding of epistemology
Demonstrate understanding of JTB Theory
–    Explain each clause using the words necessary and sufficient
Effective, original Gettier case
Ability to explain why the Gettier case is a counterexample to JTB theory