Explain the significance of designing an environmental space to nurture a childs physical, socio-emotional, cognitive, and language development.

The discussion assignment for this week includes a Summative Discussion Board reviewing your experience in the course.
July 30, 2020
Identify the purposes of criminal punishment, trends in punishment, and then examine whether or not shaming can punish, educate and/or rehabilitate.
July 30, 2020

Explain the significance of designing an environmental space to nurture a childs physical, socio-emotional, cognitive, and language development.

OverviewA local parenting agency has contacted you to write a short article for their community magazine, Ages and Stages section. This months theme is The Importance of Play in Child Development. In the article you are asked to give your opinion on play as it relates to toddlers. Support your position with current research that demonstrates how play contributes to a toddlers development.Initial Post In your 200 word article, address the following:Explain your opinion on play and how you believe it affects toddler development.Justify your opinion with at least one scholarly resource that supports the concept of play. You can use the Ashford University Library or the Internet to locate a scholarly article.Describe what a developmentally appropriate environment would include. Explain the significance of designing an environmental space to nurture a childs physical, socio-emotional, cognitive, and language development. You can include a description of the physical space as well as any play materials that you would recommend.List ideas for play that you would share with families. These could be games, activities or ideas that they can use in their home.