Explain the role of a counselor on career developments.

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Explain the role of a counselor on career developments.

A career theory paper. the subject of selection based on a movie/ television character which you will evaluate a career theory as a mental health counselor in ref to character chosen. the character I choose was Olivia Benson from the series Law and order. the eposide I picked to be used is the one she gets raped while undercover in a prison. Olivia plays a NYC detective single, worked in the SVU special victims unit. Works with sex victims. Episode you can see if you look it up in google or u tube.. the paper should be 7 pages in length body plus title page outline bibliography and worked cited. which are free. the paper should be apa 6th edition at least four out of the seven bibliography should be related directly to career theories. the references should be from a professional JOURNAl or other credible source. please refer to the apa style book for questions about acceptable references. the paper most important. Must address the following: -1 Introduction and overview of your concept character. 2- theories applicable to the characters career development ( psychosocial history) 3- the counselors plan of action in addressing any issues or concern for the clients career(treatment plan) 4- special populations and multicultural issues should be discussed along with any issues relating to social injustice. 5- the role of the counselor in addressing career development 6- staffing with a licensed mental professional 7- the last section should include expected outcomes and other relevant issues