Explain the relationship between the current allocations to police, corrections, and courts and current crime policy. Then, reallocate the criminal ju

Final paper
May 28, 2020
Array Manipulation
May 28, 2020

Explain the relationship between the current allocations to police, corrections, and courts and current crime policy. Then, reallocate the criminal ju

Explain the relationship between the current allocations to police, corrections, and courts and current crime policy. Then, reallocate the criminal justice percentage

allotments to each institution, e

In a 4€“6-page paper, discuss the allocations, and from everything that you have learned from the course, discuss how the current allotment hinders the system from

being just, and explain what allocation would be most beneficial for the justice system. Make sure to include the important roles that the three components (police,

corrections, courts) play in the justice system, and how the money, if distributed correctly, could make for a more efficient and just criminal justice system.