explain the legal consequences of a small health care practice not having the document reqiured

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explain the legal consequences of a small health care practice not having the document reqiured

Order DescriptionResearch the Internet for information regarding Business Associate Agreements, such as can be found at the following Web site: Sample Business Associate Agreement (BAA): www.quefinancial.com/pdf/sample_BAA.pdf -Also research information on legal requirements for medical practices, as can be found at Healthcare Networks of America: www.hna-net.com/index.php and for information on PAHCOM, as can be found at Professional Association of Health Care Office Management (PAHCOM): www.pahcom.com/cmm/cmm.html -In a Word document, address the following: 1. Write 1 introduction paragraph (4 sentences). 2. Assume that you have been asked to be a business consultant to a new medical practice (LA Healthcare Associates, LLC) containing one physician, one nurse and two office staff. They are going to use an India-based billing company and a Philippines-based transcription company. LA Healthcare Associates are not sure about the kinds of documents they need to deploy internally or with their vendors. They are also looking for guidance concerning HIPAA. Find and put to this Word document the 1 short business-related document for this practice. Also, populate the document with the company name, create a business address, create fictitious profiles for the 4 employees (1 physician, 1 nurse, and 2 office staff) of the practice, and outsources internationally. 3. In 1 paragraph (5 sentences or more), explain the rationale for choosing the document. 4. In 1 paragraph (5 sentences or more), identify and explain other documents that will be needed for this medical practice. 5. In 4 paragraphs (each paragraph should have 5 sentences or more), explain the legal consequences of a small health care practice not having the document you chose. 6. Write 1 conclusion paragraph (4 sentences). Note: Answer in your own words or paraphrase your work. You can research on the Internet or books/journals & you can add additional references.
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