Explain the Group Dynamics and the Work Environment

Topic: MSc Networks-HTTP Service Migration Using OpenFlow-Based Network
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020

Explain the Group Dynamics and the Work Environment

Order Description

Assignment description:

„Explain the Group Dynamics and the Work Environment“

The following is aimed to provide a rough guidance and by no means is intended to suggest a proposed structure of an individual student assignment:

Students will be expected to define key terminology around “Group dynamics” and “Work Environment” independent of each other, starting with a definition of a term “Group” and “Work” and “Work Environment” and continue by gradually bringing two perspectives together by explaining how these two key aspects of organizational behaviour complement each other in terms of helping businesses become more effective and efficient.

Main Part:
-> Building on these basic definitions, one could look at exploring differences between groups, individuals and organisations; various aspects of group behaviours, different type of work groups, roles of individual group members.

->Key characteristics of groups/work environment.

->Overview of Key Group/ Work Environment Theories e.g Development Model; Theory of Work Adjustments; Theory of Motivations – Herzberg 2 – factor theory, Theory X and Y; Game Theory, etc.).

->Small Group Theory.

->Advantages and Disadvantages of working in groups.

->Influences of Work Environment on individual/group dynamics and attitudes and behaviours.

(You do not need to cover every point mentioned above, please select just a few and focus on them.)

And the last part a Conclusion.

Two very important things I would like to point out:
First, if you use sources in the paper those must be available through a link (provided in the References as, Retrieved from :..) and the link/source must be functional and accessible for me as well. In addition, the academic source must be free of charge and straightaway available. I cannot accept sources to which I do not have access.

Second, please use an easy writing style. Avoid complicated long sentences and a complex structure overall, it is not a writing class. The paper must reflect my academic capabilities. Please keep it easy, nothing extraordinary and nothing too sophisticated. Good to know the class/course is: Behavioral Aspects but it is mainly business focused. A good book: Behavior in Organizations 10th Edition by Greenberg.

Thank you very much! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.