Explain problem of replacement old piping infrastructure that carry waste water over runs.

critical thinking essay
September 6, 2020
September 7, 2020

Explain problem of replacement old piping infrastructure that carry waste water over runs.

my name is lester perry and i own Rehabchem co. , and we been working on reseach and development of a waste water system that can clean water and made gashol. Faclitity will made ground water and high octane gashol to burn in EG 10MW NATRAL GAS GENERATER RENEWABLE EFFICENCY facliitity. Local Utitily company had appoved the system.
I want to help the city with the problem of replacement old piping infrastructure that carry waste water over runs. these over run go in to sea, and in to other citys and beach shores. I propose to use some of the over flow waste water to run my waste water faclitity. that way i pay the city for use waste water.The can use the payment to repipe the waste water piping. I need the city write me a letter saying it will let me use the waste water over run from waste water piping. That will be the srart of putting fund back to solve the problem out dated waste water piping