Explain Mood and Anxiety disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury

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Explain Mood and Anxiety disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury

Order DescriptionMood and Anxiety disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Summer 2016
NUR 684: Advanced Practice Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Therapeutic Interventions
Scholarly Paper Guidelines (100 total possible points/25% of the overall grade)
You will choose a clinical topic, based on your experiences in the clinical setting. The purpose of this paper is to provide a synopsis of the clinical issue, along with recommended treatment options based on evidence-based clinical research, along with follow-up and maintenance treatment recommendations. The activity is intended to elevate the scholarly thinking of the student to that of the advanced practice nurse. Therefore, the product should be that of graduate level work, and will be evaluated with this expectation. The submitted paper should be developed in the following manner:
I. Introduction/Presentation of the Clinical Issue (10 points)
II. Diagnosis/Diagnoses Discussion, based on the DSM5 criteria/clinical research (25 points)
III. Treatment Recommendations, based on clinical research (40 points)
IV. Follow-up of Patient and Summary what occurred? Changes in treatment? Maintenance plan? (15 points)
The remaining 10 points will be allocated to grammar, spelling, punctuation, length of paper, and appropriate use of APA. In addition, the student is expected to utilize at least three (3) scholarly journals, not including the DSM5, for support of the paper.
V. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall appropriate APA usage, Times New Roman or Calibri 12 point font, double-spaced, Word document only (5 points)
VI. Minimum use of three (3) scholarly journals, excluding DSM5; cover page and reference list (3 points) Note: if the DSM5 is used as a source, it must be included in the reference list as well as the other three scholarly journals
VII. Within page limit three (3) pages MAXIMUM, excluding cover and reference list (2 points)
Each student will submit their topic for approval by the due date, designated on the NUR 684 Course Calendar. If a topic is submitted after the due date, a 5 point reduction will occur in the overall paper grade for each 24 hour period it is late. Students may submit their paper topics at any time during the semester, but it is recommended that a topic be chosen after several clinical days have been completed. If the final paper is submitted late, there will be a 5 point reduction in the overall paper grade for each 24 hour period it is late. Further, the student should not use any identifying information, such as name and address, of the patient in the paper. If this is included, the student will earn a zero for this activity. However, age, gender, and race can (and should) be disclosed in the paper, as these are often related to the various psychiatric disorders that will be covered in the course, and will be an essential element in your discussion of the diagnosis/diagnoses.Grading Schema for NUR 684 Scholarly PaperCriteria (Possible Points)
Points Earned
Introduction (10 points)Diagnosis/Diagnoses Discussion (25 points)Treatment Recommendations (40 points)Follow-up/Summary (15 points)Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, APA (5 points)Scholarly Journals, Cover Page, Reference Page (3 points)Meets page limit (2 points)Subtotal Points Earned (100 points)Deduction of points for late submission of scholarly paper topicDeduction of points for late submission of final scholarly paperTotal Points Earned (100 points)
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