explain Liberty of London: Expanding the brands geographic coverage

Food Industry
August 11, 2020
Topic: Part 3 of Leadership Portfolio Project
August 11, 2020

explain Liberty of London: Expanding the brands geographic coverage

Order DescriptionLiberty of London has approached you to work with them as an external branding consultant to advise managing director Ed Burstell. You have been tasked with assessing options and providing recommendations for the expansion of the Liberty brand overseas.In this assignment you are required to look at other potential destinations to expand the brand into, rather than those that they are already operating in or planning to.Address the following two questions. Both questions carry equal marks.You are required to:1. Analyse branding strategies over geographic boundaries to identify which approach in your view Liberty should use. Provide recommendations on the brand strategy to support expansion into one new market of your choice and justify why you have proposed a particular approach.2. Build a branding approach using the CBBE model and identify which brand elements to adapt and which to retain and again justify your choices. Support your discussion and recommendations with examples.
Similarity CheckingThe above mentioned is for the article. For the poster presentation I will upload some files and photos. Please use the photos as refrence and do not copy.
I will also upload a recording where you can listen the tutor explaining.In the First section, you should talk about the country- about the behaviour,
Please do not add any long discription about Liberty.
Brand Strategy
Postioning Technique- Global, foreign or local.
Rest you listen in the recording.Please go through all the files I upload.COMBO ORDER: COURSEWORK FOR 7 PAGES AND MIND/CONCEPT MAPPING FOR 1
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