Explain how genetics might impact the pathophysiology

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Explain how genetics might impact the pathophysiology

Make a Powerpoint Presentation: The Pathophysiology of Disorders

In previous weeks, you explored various body systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and hematological. These seven systems work together, along with other body systems, to complete a myriad of functions. For this reason, when disorders occur within one body system, they can create potentially devastating effects throughout the entire body. For instance, Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the central nervous system, yet its alterations actually affect multiple body systems, from the cardiovascular system to the gastrointestinal system. In this Assignment, you examine alterations associated with disorders, as well as the impact of the alterations on multiple body systems.

To prepare:

• From the list below, select a disorder of interest to you:

o Alzheimer’s disease
o Asthma in children
o Congestive heart failure
o Hepatic disease (liver disease)
o Hypertension
o Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
o Seizures
o Sepsis

Reflect on alterations associated with the disorder you selected. Consider the pathophysiology of the alterations. Think about how these alterations produce pathophysiological changes in at least two body systems.

Think about the types of drugs that would be used to treat alterations associated with the disorder you selected.

Reflect on how patient factors, such as genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior might impact the pathophysiology of the alterations you identified. Then, consider how these factors might impact the effects of prescribed drugs, as well as measures you might take to help reduce any negative side effects.

Locate an agency that provides patient education on your selected disorder and review the available materials and curriculum. Consider how you might be able to use those materials to educate a patient on the disorder, treatment options, management, and self-care.

To complete:

Develop a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

• Describe the disorder you selected, as well as associated alterations. Explain the pathophysiology of the alterations, including changes that occur in at least two body systems.

• Describe the types of drugs that would be prescribed to treat alterations associated with the disorder.

• Explain how genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior might impact the pathophysiology of the alterations you identified and the effects of prescribed drugs. Then, describe measures you might take to help reduce any negative side effects.

• Explain how you would use materials from a supporting agency to educate patients on the disorder, treatment options, management, and self-care.

• References (at least 5 credible resources between 2011 and 2016)


• Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2012). Understanding pathophysiology (Laureate custom ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

o Chapter 28, “Structure and Function of the Renal and Urologic Systems”

This chapter introduces the structure and function of the renal and urologic systems. It covers renal blood flow, kidney function, and tests for renal and bladder function.

o Chapter 29, “Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function”

This chapter examines alterations of the renal and urinary tract function, including urinary tract obstruction, urinary tract infection, acute kidney injury, and chronic kidney disease. It focuses on the pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, evaluation, and treatment of those renal and urinary tract alterations.

o Chapter 30, “Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function in Children”

This chapter presents alterations of renal and urinary tract function that are common in children. These alterations include structural abnormalities, bladder disorders, nephroblastoma, and urinary incontinence.

Poole Arcangelo, V., & Peterson, A. M. (Eds.). (2013). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice: A practical approach (3rd ed.). Ambler, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

o Chapter 32, “Urinary Tract Infection”

This chapter covers drugs used to treat urinary tract infections. It also identifies special considerations when treating geriatric patients, pediatric patients, and women.

Drugs.com. (2012). Retrieved from www.drugs.com

This website presents a comprehensive review of prescription and over-the-counter drugs including information on common uses and potential side effects. It also provides updates relating to new drugs on the market, support from health professionals, and a drug-drug interactions checker.

Optional Resources

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Retrieved August 10, 2012, fromhttp://www.cdc.gov
• Haymarket Media, Inc. (2012). Monthly prescribing reference [Online database]. Retrieved fromhttp://www.empr.com/
• Institute for Safe Medication Practices. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.ismp.org/
• Medscape. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.medscape.com/
• National Kidney Foundation. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.kidney.org/index.cfm