Does the author use reasonable reasoning.
October 8, 2020
ANTH315 study guide- chapters 1-3
October 8, 2020

Experimental Designs

Experimental Designs
Looking back over the material covered in this course, select a topic that has caused you some difficulty. For example, this could be a challenging concept from a quiz (experimental designs) or exam on which you did not perform as well as you had hoped or perhaps it was an from an assignment you missed or a chapter that you did not read as thoroughly as you would have liked. Whatever the reason, select any course topic that you would like to devote some time to re-learning.

In a paragraph of 5-7 sentences, describe the topic that you would like to devote time to studying (experimental Designs). Explain what about the topic has been challenging for you to understand or why you would like to dedicate more time to building your knowledge in this area. Point out where exactly your understanding is lacking and what you hope to know after studying this information.

Read the chapter (or view the lecture material) relevant to the topic you have chosen. Then write a second paragraph of at least 5-7 sentences explaining your understanding after having reviewed the course material related to the topic. What specifically did you learn and where in the course material (page #, website, or lecture slides) did you find this information?
course book- Friedman, H. S., & Schustack, M. W. (2012). Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research (5th ed., p. 273). Boston: Pearson Allyn & Bacon.

Next, expand your understanding or fill in any remaining gaps by identifying a peer reviewed scholarly journal article that is related to the topic and that is not already part of the assigned course material. In a third paragraph of at least 5-7 sentences, describe how your understanding of the topic you selected has been expanded by the peer reviewed article beyond what you learned in the course material.

Cite the outside source using an APA formatted in-text citation and reference.