Expanded Research Paper Incorporating Commentary on the Larger Issue

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May 10, 2020
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May 10, 2020

Expanded Research Paper Incorporating Commentary on the Larger Issue

Expanded Research Paper Incorporating Commentary on the Larger Issue

Project #6: Rhetorical Revision of Project #2 Memoir / Expanded Research Paper Incorporating Commentary on the Larger Issue Written About in the Memoir
Project #6 in your English 1301 course allows you to re-visit a paper you wrote months ago and to apply your growing skills as a researcher and as a critical thinker!
Assignment: Expand your Project #2 memoir paper by completing research on the larger issue touched upon in the narrative you crafted for your readers.
Use critical thinking and reflection. Be proud of your growth as a writer! You have perspective now; you have written THREE papers since you wrote your memoir and have had practice

incorporating more than TEN sources already this semester!
Decide how to organize your expanded essay€”for example, with the research incorporated throughout, with the research expansion at the beginning, or with the research expansion at the end.

Be intentional; add the necessary transitions and content to establish your voice as a scholar who can combine the message of an important story with a commentary demonstrating critical

thinking and research on a larger issue.
??1) READ your Project #2 MEMOIR paper closely, thinking critically about the dominant impression you sought to create for your readers (use your rhetoric notes, too!).

??2) Create a ONE-PAGE T-chart with your story points on the LEFT and corresponding LARGER ISSUES on the RIGHT.
??3) Do RESEARCH: Find at least 5 sources on the LARGER ISSUE. You may use web-based articles, magazine and/or journal articles from Academic Search Complete (library website), books,

government documents, etc.
??4) Strategically ADD to your memoir in a way that enhances its message. Your final product must be at least 7 pages double spaced and must ethically use and accurately cite a minimum of 5

sources from your research in MLA documentation style.

Grading Criteria:
1) Evidence of revisions based on evaluation of P2.
2) Smoothly incorporated, ethically used, and accurately cited source materials, 5 minimum, in MLA documentation style, with an accurate Works Cited page.
3) A final commentary essay of at least 7 pages double spaced that demonstrates skills learned in English 1301 (effective introduction with a hook, pacing strategies, transitions, rhetorical

appeals, unified body paragraphs with wrap-up sentences, logical sequencing of ideas, awareness of audience, use of electronic databases for research, etc.)
4) Grammatically correct and interesting sentence structures.
5) Strong word choices and intentional phrasing/style