Exercise Science Academic Essay

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Exercise Science Academic Essay

Using your knowledge of:
• the stages of motor learning;
• the role of attention in learning motor skills;
• practice scheduling;
• the variables impacting memory and retention of motor skills;
• the impact of individual differences;
• the role of Augmented Feedback; and your knowledge of motor learning theories regarding motor skill acquisition,

Discuss how these components interact the development of coordination for two novice individuals to acquire the skill of hitting a softball. One of your novices is a “natural” – s/he learns complex skills easily; the other novice is “motorifically challenged” – s/he has difficult learning the simplest of task.

Using descriptive language, describe the observable changes in human coordinated movement that occur as both novices progress through the stages of learning to hit a softball. A minimum of 10 references from
peer-reviewed journals are required. The paper should be no more than 10 pages in length excluding references.

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Posted on May 3, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions