exegesis, theology and hermeneutic. What is the merit and problem of each of it when you use to analyze the Bible?
Choose three questions from the first five questions. Write your answers with substantial argument and supported evidence from lecture, research, and biblical texts.
Each of the answer should be at least 2 pages in 12 size font and double-spaced. Your final should be hand-carried at the time of interview (which will be announced at
the website). No exception. Any late submission may result in one grade deduction in each consecutive day. After five days, one may expect automatic “F.” Your paper
should include your name and date it is submitted.
1. Write definition of the term: exegesis, theology and hermeneutic. What is the merit and problem of each of it when you use to analyze the Bible? Please use biblical
text to explain each of the term.
2. After you read the book of Jonah as a whole, please answer the following. Why do you think Jonah tried to run from God’s calling? Why do you think God was so
compelled to call Jonah to Neneveh when he was resistant? Why do you think Jonah was upset in the end? Do you see any correspondence between Jonah and yourself?
3. You are not a Jewish person. The Bible addresses the people of Israel almost in every chapter. How do you appreciate the Bible and its message when you are not a
Jew? Are the Bible and its story relevant to you when you are not a Jew? Write your honest and critical answer.
4. Israel or person in the Bible personally experience God in their life and history. This is attested in every part of the Bible. But, where was God in the history of
your country? Do you think God was working and intervening in the history of your nation? If so, how do you know it? If not, why not? Please write your reasonable and
critical answer.
5. After you read the Book of Job, please write the answer to the following questions. What is the structure of the story? What is the main issue of the book of Job?
Why do you think God torment Job? Other than a righteous man suffering in the book of Job, do you see any other major theme that is being discussed and presented? If
so, what is it?