information policy and governance- solution to internet filter debate in Australia [?]information policy and governance- solution to internet filter d
October 15, 2020
Thesis Writing Guide
October 15, 2020

Executive Report

Topic: Executive Report

Description: [?]Preferred language style: English (U.S.)I will attach the instructions and here are the following instructions:

Prepare a 2 page Executive Report for Barbara Silva, CIO addressing
the following:

Section 1 – State Overview of HIPAA Privacy Rule

Section 2 – Respond to the following questions.

1. Steering Committee – Who would you include on the steering
committee that is responsible for ongoing
HIPAA privacy compliance? Who should lead this committee?

2. HIPAA Education – What type of ongoing education activities would
you provide for the workforce of this
organization to facilitate compliance with the HIPAA Privacy rule? How
would you implement these

3. Business Associates – How would you ensure that you have identified
all of the organization’s current
business associates and developed business associate agreements with them?

4. HIPAA Compliance – What process would you use to update these
policies and procedures? How
frequently would you update them? How would you ensure that they
continue to be valid and HIPAA

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