Pay Cut or a Lay-off during an Economic Recession in a Company?
June 18, 2020
the original 1957, black-and-white version of “12 Angry Men
June 18, 2020


1. What is the primary work of a chief executive officer (CEO)? What are the core or primary roles and responsibilities that are central to
the work of an effective CEO of a medium to large nonprofit organization? Please be as complete as possible in articulating and explaining.

2. What, in your opinion, is the relationship between competence and effectiveness of the CEO and the success of the overall organization? In
what ways are these likely to be related (or should be related)?

3. What does it take to do this work well? What is essential or highly desirable, with regard to:
a. Knowledge?
b. Skills?
c. Abilities?
d. Other competencies or characteristics?

4. How well are you prepared to serve in the chief executive role of a nonprofit organization at this time? For which roles and
responsibilities are you best prepared, and which are likely to require further professional development? What are your primary assets with
regard to knowledge, skills, abilities, and other areas of competence? What do you believe you would be well advised to continue to develop?