Examining Your Social Work Practice
In this assignment, students will examine their approach to Social Work Practice and show an integration of learning between theory and practice. Include a clear description of social work values and ethics, practice theory and approaches and social work practice skills. Incorporate concepts, theory and skills from course reading, as well as example from field placement or other practice experiences for each of the section below. Use the following format:
Values and Ethics:
Define the primary values that guide your work with clients. Refer to the ACSW Social Work Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and discuss how you ensure ethical and competent professional client-worker relationships.
Knowledge Base and Practice Theory:
Summarize the approaches, theories, and models that guide and inform your work with clients. Include your understanding of the ecological systems perspective, family life cycle model, strengths based perspective and other relevant theories you use in your practice. Use practice examples to show how to integrate theory practice. Indicate areas for future growth.
Social Work Practice Skills:
Describe the social work skills you use in your work with clients, drawing from both Methods I and Methods II learning. In identifying a skill, link it to a concept, model or theory and reference the source (for example, tuning in as a skill, is part of Shulman’s (2006) interactional approach to helping). Be sure to include interviewing skills, assessment skills, and case planning skills (such as goal setting). How do you ensure your work is purposeful, systematic and client focused? Use example from your practice that demonstrate social work skills.
Critical analysis/personal reflection:
Using a structural analysis, discuss your understanding of the role of social workers in meeting overreaching goals of social work including: helping people enhance their social, physical and mental functioning, working towards an equitable distribution of resources, creating a fair and just society, challenging inequalities and seeking social justice. Include a reflection of power and empowerment in your work with clients. Provide examples to illustrate ideas. Identify your practice strengths and reflect on potential areas of growth.