Examine the 4C skills (a) creativity and innovation, (b) critical thinking and problem solving, and (c) communication and (d) collaboration that are p

Discuss The Making of an Environmental Activist. in the Supplemental reading link.
July 24, 2020
Describe this source in some detail: what is the source? Who wrote it.
July 24, 2020

Examine the 4C skills (a) creativity and innovation, (b) critical thinking and problem solving, and (c) communication and (d) collaboration that are p

Cultural Competence in the ClassroomNikhil Goyal is a successful high school student who, like many students his age, hates school. But unlike most students his age, Nikhil wrote a speech about it and delivered it to a global audience via a(2012) presentation (please click here for a ). The central theme of the presentation is relevance and, specifically, how schools often lack relevance to the lives of their learners. The majority of Nikhils story focuses on Nick Perez, a boy who was marginalized in school and medicated to be able to adhere to the parameters of thought and behavior expected for participation in the school. As you view the presentation, you will learn how Nick became disillusioned by the lack of relevancy and interest in his studies and how his disenfranchisement eventually led him to drop out of school.In this assignment, you will reflect on the story of Nick Perez and analyze it based on what might have happened differently if Nicks education targeted the learning of 21st century skills through culturally relevant learning opportunities. Additionally, you will recommend a culturally relevant learning experience that might have been able to meet Nicks needs in high school. Review the Instructor Guidance for this week for additional information and use the Ladson-Billing (1995) resource and Chapter 4 of Wardle (2013) to define a culturally relevant learning experience; apply this framework to the creation of solutions. Then, create your formal written assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations stated below.