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March 16, 2020

Evolution of English

Use this link to access the canterbury tales

Review the introduction of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, an example of a literary work in Old English.
Work through the introduction and the general prologue keeping a list of words or phrases you recognize and those that you do not. For the ones you do not, conduct research using the resources at your disposal to map them to the modern English equivalent words.
Once you complete your review and research, you will develop your paper. Examine the words and phrases you identified. In your opening include 2-3 words or phrases you recognized and 2-3 words or phrases that you did not. Explain why and include a reference to modern English equivalent words.
The body of your paper should address the conclusions you can draw about how words have changed from Middle to Modern English and why.
Format for the paper: 12 pt. Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, and 2-4 pages, MLA Style