Evidence-Based Research
Order Description
dentfy, analyze, and discuss the corronents that corrre a valid evidence-based research study.
Based on the inforrnaton compiled above, interview a heath care leader about his/her expenencesreted to using evidencebased research to drive changes in practices in h/her facility.
Wrte a report of your findings. Include the following in your report:
1) The changes that the health care leader has been involved ri implementing.
2) How strong did the leader feel the research on the top was? Why?
3) Have they ever rejected research findings? Why or why not?
4) Incbide any concerns they have had or resistance they have experienced when implementing
changes based on research.
5) Analyze your findings as they apply to the components of evidence-based research.
Descres clearly al of the components of a valid evidence-based research study (ri students own
words). Clearly descrtes a thorough understanding of how a healthcare leader has used such
studies to drive change, and gives specIlc examples.
Supports main porits wth references, examples, and ful expbnations of how they apply.
Thoughtfully analyzes, evaluates, and descrtes major points of the criteria.