Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Final Pape
Section headings and letters for each section component are required. Responses are addressed in narrative form in relation to that number. Evaluation of the proposal in all sections is based upon the extent to which the depth of content reflects graduate-level critical-thinking skills.
This project contains seven formal sections:
Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment
Section B: Problem Description
Section C: Literature Support
Section D: Solution Description
Section E: Change Model
Section F: Implementation Plan
Section G: Evaluation of Process
Each section (A-G) will be submitted as separate assignments so your instructor can provide feedback (refer to applicable modules for further descriptions of each section).
The final paper will consist of the completed project (with revisions to all sections), title page, abstract, reference list, and appendices. Appendices will include a conceptual model for the project, handouts, data and evaluation collection tools, a budget, a timeline, resource lists, and approval forms.
Use the “NUR-699 EBP Implementation Plan Guide” and “NUR-699 Evidence-Based Practice Project Student Example” to assist you. Also refer to “NUR-699 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Format.”