Evaporation from the respiratory system

How well express understanding of immunological principles
April 8, 2020
Solution-Height and weight for a respiratory study
April 8, 2020

Evaporation from the respiratory system

Question: A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temp of 1 gram of water by 1°C (1 cal = 4 J). A marine iguana from the Galapagos Islands weighs about 2 kg. It is basking on a rock. Its metabolic rate is 4 kJ/hr, it is gaining about 16 kJ/hr from the warm air (both conduction and convection) and it is gaining 24 kJ/hr from the sunlight. Its skin is dry, and heat loss by evaporation from the respiratory system is small.
a. How much heat is it gaining per hour?
b. How long will it take for it to warm up by 10°C? (Assume that iguana tissue is essentially all water).